FOLKRAP is a non-commercial project made in Tarnów in Southern Poland. It is unique mixture - rap + folk samples + old poems from XIX century. We can say: "vanguard", because it is first folk-rap project in Poland.
FOLKRAP is a work of two guys represented two different music genres. Dj. Celownik since a long time makes beats and hip-hop music. Anyway he is very open-minded and ready to do crazy projects (like FOLKRAP). Dawid Hallmann, in turn, is neo-folk musican and composer. His second name is Experiment. He is still searching for new forms.
FOLKRAP is a tribute to the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. Lithuanian sounds appears very often. One song - "O jau mano mielas" - is even all in Lithuanian. A refrain of this song was found in old Polish songbook. Authors saved his oryginal transcript:
Tsyt, ne werk, ne raudok
Jaunoi mergieli
Asz tawi parwesiu
Kita rudineli.